Late in World War I Estonias is occupied by the German Army. First are occupied the island Saaremaa and other islands on October 11-021, 1917. On February 18, 1918, the Germans landed on the mainland: Haapsalu (occupied February 21, 1918), Valga (February 22). Pärnu, Viljand and Tartu are occupied on February 24, Tallinn on February 25. The last, most eastern city of Narva is occupied March 4, 1918.
The Estonian Salvation Committee - Kanstantin Päts, Jüri Vilms and Konstantin Konik- proclaimed Estonia independent on February 23 in Pärnu and on February 24 in Tallinn. Of course not recognized by the Germans: Estonia became part of the Ober Ost malitary administration.
In Dorpat, the Estonian name is Tartu, on tuesday 5th March 1918 the post-office 'Kaiserliche Deutsche Zivilpostamt in Dorpat' is opened. This post office took care of the private post traffic with Riga. This was done using the German Fieldpost. The same day two stamps are issued, 20 pfg. en 40 pfg., and withdrawn on 16th Martch, valid - onlr in the Kreis (district) Dorpat until 22nd March 1918. .
By the short period of use the used stamps and covers with the stamps are very expensive.
Most covers were provided with the indication 'Geprüft' (checked) in red ink on the top right next to the postage stamp. Then followed contol, the censorship mark and the postmark DORPAT.
The article of Thomas Löbbering describes a document to the Chief, First Lieutenant Behrmann, from the 9 zealous postmuses of the first German post office in Dorpat. Six of them have as censors put their initials under the postage stamp. It is a proof that the cover is sent from Dorpat.
May1, 1918 the 'Landespostamt Dorpat' opened for the private mail.
Also on 5th March is issued a pre-paid postcard.
In the magazine Berliner Briefmarken-Zeitung -18 May 1918_ an advertisement is placed for the issues of Dorpat: 30 Mark for all three.
In the next number is published an article about the 'emergency-issue':
Die Geschichte der Aushilfsausgabe Dorpat 1918. - In: Berliner Briefmarken-Zeitung 1918 ; Heft 9-10 (18 Mai 1918). - p. 107-108.
Continued in: Berliner Briefmarken-Zeitung 1918 ; Heft 11-12. - p. 145-146.
Continued in: Berliner Briefmarken-Zeitung 1918 ; Heft 13-14. - p. 163-164.